POLITE focuses on designing and building a WT model for delivering aerodynamic data that allows to analyze the aerodynamic performance of innovative control surfaces and high-lift devices.
The model built in POLITE has been used in a low-Re WT. This first test-campaigns deliver aerodynamic data of the baseline solution and already include a first iteration of innovative control devices. Following the results from this first campaigns, a second campaign in a high-Re WT will be performed using motorized remotely controlled innovative devices.
The wind tunnel tests are not within the scope of POLITE but the model has to be designed so that efficient testing in the chosen test facilities is ensured.
In summary, POLITE is aimed at designing a WT-model that is powered and usable in both low and high-Reynolds test-campaigns, developing solutions that increase test-efficiency, manufacturing the model, and preparing the WT-test campaign by planning the integration of the models into the WT and delivering solutions for the interfaces.
The main objective of POLITE is to validate the feasibility of an aerodynamic improved design develop by the JTI-CS2-REG program. It will therefore support the development of methods to increase aerodynamic performance and efficiency, resulting in a positive ecological impact. This helps fulfilling the ACARE goals, which are fundamental for all H2020 projects and will support the competitiveness of the European aeronautic industry.
The requirement to design and manufacture a model that is able to deliver aero-data in subsequent test-activities in two different Wind-Tunnels, is sensible and not common especially in the case of the two WT used here: RUAG LWTE in combination with ONERA-F1. The technically ambitious part required here is that the model itself is powered and equipped with two different engines due to the existing infrastructure of the two WT. This would involve in general the design of two WT-models (at least w.r.t. to the critical components). On the contrary, POLITE will perform the design of a unique modular WT model suitable for the purpose of the present activity, by complying with requirements coming from different wind tunnels and infrastructures. This requires consolidated capabilities in wind tunnel model design associated to a consolidated experience in wind tunnel testing and engine propulsion systems.
Furthermore, although wind tunnel models are sometimes tested in different WT, this option is often not available for models equipped with powered engines. POLITE therefore will enable such tests and deliver ideas how to design parts in a way to reduce the number of parts. Although of minor relevance this also increases the ecological performance. Another strong argument for this approach is the reduction of model development time, the reduction of development cycle time and a strong cost-reduction, since only one model is needed.
The magnitude of the expected impact of POLITE can be appreciated considering the envisaged, but realistic, advantages to improve aerodynamic efficiency of small aircraft both in cruise and in High Lift Conditions. These aspects have a reasonable impact in terms of direct and indirect costs, making the aircraft of new generation a competitive product. Technical solutions here implemented, tested and validated makes them suitable and profitable for other business areas (aeronautical and non). It is therefore expected that this project will contribute to the development of European technical leadership in aircraft manufacturing and will increase competitiveness of EU companies on a worldwide market, helping in the realization of more efficient and less expensive aircraft.
The following partners are part of POLITE:
- ARA for Support to design of the WT model, Manufacturing leader, implementation into the WT/ design and manufacturing of propeller blades through subcontracting to ONERA
- RUAG for Design and Manufacturing of propeller Rotary Shaft Balances
- DREAM for CFD to support to design (loads evaluation) and evaluation of strut influence on aerodynamic coefficients for the two different configurations in low- and high-Re tests
- IBK for Coordination/ WT Model Design Leader/ Development of remotely controlled control surfaces/ implementation into the WT
POLITE has a duration of 30 months and stated 01.10.2016
The POLITE project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 717233.