IBK participated to the EASN CONFERENCE, this year organized as a Virtual Conference with participations by remote for the Covid-19 pandemic, from the 2nd to the 4th of September, by presenting the CA3ViAR project and its first results, together with other scientific topics performed in the framework of three different projects, T-WING, POLITE and PRODIGE.

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Clean Sky’s PRODIGE project: advanced wind tunnel tests for new Virtual Certification methodologies

Nicola Paletta, Coordinator of PRODIGE, Thomas Delille, Topic Manager from Dassault Aviation and Sonell Shroff, Project Officer from Clean Sky 2, discuss the PRODIGE project progress and challenges targeting high-Re transonic wind tunnel tests for new Virtual Certification methodologies.

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EULOSAM II - Design of remotely controlled HTP successfully completed

EULOSAM II (European LOw Speed Aircraft Model II) is an European Clean Sky 2 co-funded research project, the follow-up project of EULOSAM, focusing on the design upgrade and manufacturing completion of a half-aircraft WT model for high-Re tests.

Within this project, IBK just completed the design of the cross-shaped tail plane with actuated HTP trimming. Indeed, the design has been accepted by the industrial partner Dassault Aviation (Topic Manager) on 27th of February 2020.

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